Just a nice little story Art inspired by Hotel Dusk. If you like the Phoenix Wright games you should check that out I hand-sketched each panel’s foreground stuff three times: forty-two sketches total. It took a long time.
Archive for Pokémon

dook I should probably think more. Like, suuuuure, in this day and age the majority of people have computer monitors wide enough for this baby But that doesn’t matter if everyone uses their telephones to browse the Internet now does[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
In the original script Brock said “GO! Golem, Onix!” Then I decided to make their calls match their type theme and changed it. then I thought, “What do I change Falkner’s to? Oh… I don’t”
#72 – Won’t Stand For This
This does not happen every time I play co-op SSE I am the best and most helpful friend anyone could hope to have
Part 1? Nonsense
Oh yeah? Well do you have any pink Crobats?
Happy Father’s Day
Red is getting red all over the truck
#44 – SMAAAASH!! Director’s Cuts
What! ART is evolving Masahiro Sakurai is a nice old man with cookies With that much dough you could, like, buy a pizza That’s where I keep my weaponry
The joke here is that I thought a comic about something as mundane as EV training could be funny
They didn’t have any
Now they do
If I died for everytime I claimed that I died, but I meant in a video game, I’d be pretty dead
I know it is, that’s why I do it Quit whining about it
They go looking for criminals in the Windows 98 Screensaver Maze all the time, what’s it to ya
#3 – Sonic Is Mistaken
We should do this again sometime
This game’s winner’s name ends with “ario”