Stick To Your Guns

It's relevant because I love drawing revolvers! With absurdly large cylinders!

Funny thing is, I started replaying T&T right before getting summoned to jury duty, and after a two-week trial the verdict is to be handed down today. I can't actually submit my vote because I'm one of the alternates. It was an interesting case that actually did slightly resemble an Ace Attorney case, at least in the beginning.

It's too bad real live Objection!s aren't as dramatic as in the games though

UPDATE: The trial ended on the Tuesday after this comic was originally posted, so no April Fool verdict. I thought there was a lot of room for reasonable doubt, or at least that more people were involved in the case than we saw or heard of. But, as an alternate, I didn't get to talk about these things or find out exactly why the other jurors found the defendants guilty. How disappointing.

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