
December 2008




Silver Neelsen, spouting some of Christmasized versions his lines from the F-ZERO GX story mode

There were going to be reindeer but the Night Thunder was too fast for them and he ran them over


It flies!

January 2009

Jinjo. I can't for the life of me figure what category of animal they fit. In the old games (where Gruntilda had her freeze tag curse place on them so they wouldn't be able to move till you touched them) they made noises like owl hoots and flew around, so I thought they were supposed to be like birds... but now they squeak and look more lizard-like (but still fly around you). But they still look like they're wearing T-shirts.

Full size of art for the second SMAAAASH!! logo. Everyone is eligible for ice cream regardless of cuteness.

More recent pages of sketches are divided up.


[23:07] * Rao is now known as Rao|DOORMAT
[23:08] FBM: Door...mat...
[23:08] Rao|DOORMAT: (Instead of dormant)
[23:08] FBM: Ok?
[23:08] Rao|DOORMAT: (But I'm not supposed to be explaining things, I'm asleep)
[23:08] * %BP rubs his huge feet all over Rao
[23:09] %BP: My feet are Xboxes :D
[23:09] FBM: Ouuuuch.

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! You know, I have really hard-to-draw hair, so I lie instead. It's not straight like that. Maybe it would look better if it were.

Word reversal humor!

The main villain in StarTropics is an alien king named Zoda. F-ZERO racer #13 is a crazy, openly evil guy who claims to be an "improved version of the human" by the name of Zoda. Zoda's revenge: StarTropics II, anyone? Oh my.

I think this is the first Dedede I ever drew.

More! More!

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